What we do
Services supported by Dadirri Disability Services for residents will vary according to the changing needs and interests of the individual. Dadirri is also Registered to provide Support Co-Ordination and so is now also applying the expertise of the team to draft, access funding and practically implement support plans for individuals who do not reside in a Dadirri Group home.
On a daily basis Dadirri Disability Services staff will support residents achieve the following based on individual ability, confidence and competence:
Assistance with daily personal activities
Development of daily living and life skills
- Support to prepare personal both short and long term goals EG: preparing a personal budget
- Support to manage personal finances
- Support to undertake personal shopping
Assistance with daily life tasks
- Dadirri staff will support resident endeavours to prepare their own meals
- Dadirri staff will support residents tidying their bedrooms
- Dadirri staff will help co-ordinate and where appropriate, accompany residents to attend medical appointments
Household task
- Residents are encouraged to take pride in the cleanliness of their home and take some ownership of daily upkeep.
Behaviour support
- Residents for whom a specialist has drafted a Behaviour Management Plans will receive support and guidance from Dadirri staff who are trained to implement those individual plans.
- Implementation plans, guidance, support, monitoring and reporting is also provided by Dadirri staff for residents with Restrictive Practices
Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
- Each Dadirri residence has a vehicle suitable for transporting residents
- Individual transport requirements are co-ordinated as required utilising external services with appropriately modified vehicles.
Participation in community, social, civic activities
- Dadirri Disability services organises events, activities, day trips specifically for residents eg art projects, dances, bbqs, excursions to the beach
- Also provide assistance for residents to attend other external social events eg Tulip Time parade, movies, ten pin bowling